The Lottie Button story

Hi, I'm Sarah, the owner of Lottie Button and these are my 2 beautiful daughters Hattie & Lottie.

Lottie Button started 6 years ago when I had decided I no longer wanted to work the conventional 9-5 job after having my eldest daughter, Lottie. I knew I had to do something for my own sanity and finances. But what?

I had never sewn before but decided I wanted to make Lottie her first dress. I mean it wasn't perfect, the print was upside down for starters! But it was ok. I carried on until I had perfected the pattern and continued to make dresses for her, I loved that she was wearing something I had made and that it was completely unique just for her.


The very 1st Lottie Button dress


I had people telling me that I should make to sell, at first I felt like a fraud, I wasn't a seamstress, I was just a new Mum who made her daughters dresses. But I went for it, I chose a business name, Lottie, for obvious reasons and then Button because I hated sewing button holes, good enough reasons isn't it! I made myself a logo and started a Facebook page. And I made my 1st sale! It was a pale pink floral A-line dress and I met the lady in a pub car park to drop it off and to collect the money, I bet that didn't look to dodgy!!

And from that day Lottie Button has grown to where it is today, I've watched hours of YouTube videos, attended sewing classes and managed to perfect my skills so that I am now able to offer dresses, skirts, hair bows, bags, stockings, birthday badges, bunting and many more custom items.

I am so lucky to have the most loyal and wonderful customers, a few I can name who have been with me from the very beginning! And I've collected many more along the way. This business has allowed me to be a stay at home Mum to Lottie & Hattie and for that I'll be forever grateful. Has it been easy? No, it's been lots of hard work, late nights, early starts and lots of tears but 100% worth it.

I really am so grateful for every single sale I receive, if the girls are around and hear the kerching sound my sales app make they shout "sold something" which always makes me smile. 

Thank you for supporting my small business it really does mean the world to me x